Friday, May 29, 2009


last week, suddenly Helena used this word a lot.
when we're otw back home from mall, when I warned her to have bath, she said suddenly:
"Sure, I will. Aku kan sudah 5 thn, aku harus mandiri."
all of us laughed and stared to each other and holding our smile.
"Emang mandiri itu apaan, sayang?" I asked, and my hubby smiled.
"Makan sendiri, mandi sendiri, pake baju sendiri, sekolah sendiri. ntar mbak gak usah anter aku sekolah lagi."
really? again me and hubby stared to each other.
"Who told u that?" i asked again.
"Miss, at school, after my birthday," she answered.
"Really, you'll be mandiri? makan sendiri and mandi sendiri from now on?" i asked.
"Sure," helena answered.
"good, lets see."
and the days after, when I called her from office, she said she wore he clothes by herself.
Good, I said.
but, others still the same. takes time, I guess.

today, when we're watching television, she saw the advertisement of MOUNT TEA beverage.
I want it, she shouted.
Later, we'll buy, I said.
and I asked, "Do you know whats that words meaning, 'mount' tea?"
suddenly helena started to think, and start singing.
"I will follow Him..."
When I follow her song, she asked me to be silent. i dont get what she's doing.
she continued singing...
"I will follow Him wherever He may go, there isnt a mountain too ..."
And then she shouted!
Oh God! I was shocked and amazed! i just realized that she's trying to memorize that vocabulary, mount, by remembering the song.
"Mountain, Mom, not mount," she said. "I know mountain, not mount. means gunung, right?"
I try to explain, but I felt glad for her.

Story moral is:
One best way to memorize vocabulary is by memorizing song lyrics.

Berlaku utk semua bahasa, I think.
Bahasa batak juga. jd kalo mau makin fasih, sering2 aja nyanyi lagu di buku ende. hehehe.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Helena's third trophy

Finally we were there.
The singing competition on family gathering at Helena's school.
You know, if this is not about Helena, I'll surely say no to participate, moreover Helen's Pap also couldn't participate since he has to go to work, on saturday!

The most ridiculous things happened this morning. We woke up and I forgot that today's the day of the singing contest. I thought it's still next week. So I relaxed like other saturday morning, lay down with my son watching baby TV and just realized it when Papa asked why I didnt get shower yet, and I said why should I,
and Helen said:
'because today we'll sing in my school'.

Oh my God, Oh my God...
Thats all I can say.
It's already 7 am and I haven't take bath or breakfast, and the contest will be started at 7.30.

Panicly I rushed to do everything like 'kesetanan', and I did it, get ready at 7.20, and we rushed to the school. We arrived there 7.35! And guess what!!!!

We are the first participant who came!

Great! So sweet!
What a morning. A fast and furious morning of mine.

Like the other singing competition (at the church, see my last post), we didn't practised/rehearsed it properly. Only once yesterday, singing together, me and helena, and haven't prepare the choreograph yet. I dont know where was my mind, I thought it's still next week so I thought we still have ample time to do preparation. So stupid mom!

And because Helena was so eager to get the trophy, I was so scared that she would fail, and this time I keep praying that God will grant her/us the trophy, even though it's only juara harapan tiga or something, I mean, the least 'll be just fine for me. I was so worry that Helen will be disappoint if she couldnt get the trophy.

And as we performed, we only shows the simple choreograph and Helen's voice wasn't too loud because there was no microphone usage. That made me sure we wont win the contest.
But after watched all participants (12 teams), I was a bit sure we'll get the trophy, although maybe not the first until third place.

After the contest, when coffee break, Helena goes forward and trying to pick up the trophy which is lying on the table.
"No, no," I said, "Dont touch them."
"I want to be number one," Helena said.
"Later, later, wait please..." I said.
And the worries attacked me again.
Please God, please... Please give her one... Pleaseeee...

And when the time comes, the judge calls for the winners.
I'm waiting in harap-harap cemas...
Juara harapan tiga and dua already called. And I still hope we'll get the third place.
But, then the judge called for NUMBER 7!
That's our team number.
I run to find Helena who's playing jigsaw with her friends on the side of the school.
She run to realize that she'll get the trophy.
Thank God, I said silently. Felt relief.
Juara harapan satu is not that bad.

Helena received the trophy and said proudly to her friend, "Gue dong juara harapan satu."
And her friend replied, "Aku juara tiga!"
And I whispered to Helena's ears, "Sayang, kita juara empat. Juara harapan satu itu artinya juara empat."
And Helena looked at my eyes protested.
"Kan juara satu, Ma..."
"Juara Harapan satu, Sayang. Harapan satu. Juara tiga lebih tinggi daripada juara harapan satu."
And she showed her disappointment expression.

"Kapan ada lomba lagi, aku mau dapat piala lagi," said Helena later after the contest over.
"Later," I answered.
"When, when, when..." that's all she said, almost makes me crazy.

OMG. I'm afraid she's gonna be a trophy addict.

What a day. A fast and furious day.Kayak judul film aja.
I mean today selain fisik, jantung gue juga ikut marathon.

But that's alright.
Helena finally got her third trophy.

Thank God!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Still like a teenager

Lagi2 soal helena.
waktu ada pesta bona taon sianipar, helena kan nanya, itu pesta apaan, trus kita jawab, pesta sianipar.
spontan dia bilang:
"Kalo gitu mama nggak usah ikut, kan mama situmorang. yg ikut sianipar2 aja: papa, helen, evan."
langsung gue sahutin, "Oke, mama gak ikut ya, mama mau ke mal aja."
langsung deh helena protes. "Gak boleh. helen mau ikut ke mal."
mendengar kata 'mal' baginya tentu lebih menarik daripada mendengar kata 'sianipar', hahaa...

yang ini soal evan.
beginilah nasib seorang ibu.
dia paling doyan gigit jari orang.
udah berapa kali gue malam2 terbangun dan menjerit karena jari gue tiba-tiba digigit. dan tebak siapa pelakunya?
bukan, bukan edward cullen yg jd vampir ganteng di film twilight.
tapi anak gue, si evan yang sedang doyan menguji ketajaman gigi2nya.
itu adalah salah satu caranya membangunkan gue malam2.
betapa unik caranya kan? hehehe.
pernah juga siang hari pas gue gendong dia, tiba2 dia gigit pipi gue dan gue jerit sampe tetangga pada noleh.
buset deh, bukan kissing yg tenderly didapet, malah gigitan yg bikin pipi gue sampe biru agak lama.
nasiiiib... nasibbb...

ini soal gue.
hari minggu kmrn kan ephorus hkbp dtg ke gereja kita, trus para penatua dan istri kan menjamu makan, lalu kita dikenalin satu persatu (suami-istri).
pas giliran memperkenalkan suami, kepala greja kita blg gini:
"Ini martua sianipar, sintua naposo membawahi bidang pemuda dan sekolah minggu. dan istrinya boru situmorang, nah itu dia,...?"
gue pun berdiri, karena tpt duduk para istri dan suami berbeda. pas gue berdiri dan mengangguk, eh Sang kepala greja kita bilang lagi, "Masih seperti naposo bulung kan?"
langsung aja semua hadirin pada ngakak pas liat gue berdiri dan dikomentari gitu..
jadi gak pede, abis semua ibu2 lain udah setengah baya sih, pake kebaya semua pula, dan cuma gue yg pake rok dan blouse, dan pake belt pula.

tau gak arti 'naposo bulung'?
artinya: anak remaja / pemuda, gitu deh.

well, not bad juga sih kalo gue dibilang masih seperti anak remaja.
hmmm, awet muda, dong.
or emang masih muda...

still like a teenager...


sounds nice.



Saturday, May 16, 2009

My daily funny life

kira-kira beginilah setiap hari hidup gue dimulai.

pagi kira2 jam 5, anak gue yg masih bayi umur 1thnan, evan, akan bangun (bangunin gue, tepatnya) dan kita akan keluar rumah bentar untuk hirup udara segar, sementara si papa dan helen masih tidur. si mbak yang dua itu udah bangun duluan, satu nyuci, satu masak.

lalu papa dan helena akan bangun, kemudian pada siap2 mandi.
kadang sempet sarapan atau sarapan di mobil, sebelum berangkat, evan dan helen akan ikut naik mobil sama kita sampe sblm pintu gerbang kompleks, dan dijemput mbak2nya untuk dibawa balik ke rumah,dan biasanya kita berdoa di mobil sblm keluar parkiran.
yang paling sering berdoa pagi di mobil adalah helena. format doanya juga sama, "berkatilah papa-mama kerja, helen sekolah sama mb puji, evan di rmh sama mb ida".

itu adalah jadwal jika helena masuk siang. jika helena masuk pagi, jemputan sekolah akan datang jam 6.15, jadi kita akan dadag2in helena dulu sebelum kita berangkat ke ktr, hampir jam 7.

berangkat dgn suami, gue akan melakukan bnyk aktifitas di mobil, mulai sarapan, saat teduh, dandan dan baca koran serta puter2 kaset/radio.

lalu gue akan di-drop di perempatan fatmawati, sebab arah ktr kita beda, gue akan nyambung naik bus. my hubby will kiss my cheek before I leave him in the car.

gue akan memakai music earphone sambil menunggu bus, dan baca buku di bus. sampe ktr biasanya sblm jam 8.30 krn jam ktr mulai jam segitu. kalo sampe ktr sblm jam itu, gue akan buka email bentar lalu mulai kerja kalo udah jamnya.

jam istirahat, kalo habis mkn, paling baca buku, browsing, atau dgr musik, atau tidur atau gosip ama anak2, atau biasanya jumat kita pasti makan di mall sambil cuci mata/shopping.

pulang ktr, pake earphone lagi, naik bus sampe tempat rendezvous dgn suami di dkt fatmawati, kdg sambil belanja atau makan sblm plg ke rmh. abis itu plg ke rmh.

itu jadwal rutin.
kalo si papa mendadak ada meeting dan gak bisa pulang bareng, gue akan naik angkot dan sblm sampe gerbang kompleks gue akan telepon helena dulu krn dia paling suka jemput gue ke gerbang komplek/pos satpam jalan kaki, dan kita akan jalan bareng ke rumah. she really likes that, I wonder why. makanya dia lebih suka gue plg sendiri daripada sama si papa, krn mnrt dia kalo plg sama papa, gue akan lebih malam.

kmrn helen bilang gini: "Papa why dont you buy a car for Mom so she can come home early,"
and the papa answered, "We got three cars here, your mom can chose."
helena confused and ask again, "Where is the car? three cars?"
and then my hubby say, "Look at there, on the top of the television."

My God. me and the maids are laughing loudly.
the car on the TV is evans toys, not a real car.

and then, felt been cheated, helena yelled out, "Papaaaaa....!"

and this morning, while watching television, helen said:
"Mom, why dont you build swimming pool in our house, look at that, I want a home like that," and she showed the advertisement of a hotel in the TV.

"Come on, get real, we're not that rich, kid," i said.
"Papa can work on sunday also, to gain more money," she said, "No problem if papa works everyday as long as mama here at home."

so easy to say that. I wonder where she got that words. my Godness!

betapa susahnya jadi orangtua.
anak gue yg baru umur lima tahun aja sudah begitu, gimana gedenya!
so help me God.