dont call me act like a young girl, because I like this young boy band. "One Direction"!
This is a nice lyrics of their song, I guess,
so I put it here.
Lets sing... :)
"One Thing"
I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can’t ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race
Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe
Something’s gotta give now
'Cause I’m dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night
Something’s gotta give now
'Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing
"14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Mat.5)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
"Please stop the time..." My 7th book.
Reading a japanese comic, with the title as above, really inspired me.
So many good things in this life make us wanna scream:
Pleaseeeeeee, stop the time, please......
I still wanna enjoy this moment.
Then, it became an inspiration for my next book.
stop the time...
My 7th book.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
One day at J-Rock Concert
this is gonna be my first time to watch rocker from Japan on concert in Jakarta.
There are 3 rocker group, but the most liked by me is MUCC. I like their songs (even though i cant understand all the lyrics, hahahaha) especially a song that sounds slow and melancholic, and seems a sad song. I am planning to memorize the lyrics (You'll never imagine how many weeks I spent to search for this song, hehehe).
so, 意外で、I like japanese rock music!
And... this is the lyrics:
Shinitakute me wo tojita
Boku no subete mu ni kaeshi
Kioku kara kietai to nemurezu kangaeteita
Kumorizora ame chiratsuite
Kinou no tenki, uso no you.
"Ikiru kutsuu mo niteru na" to, ame ni utarete mita
Kaze, hitotabi fukeba
Utsurou keshiki dou korobu?
Fukaku zekkai no soko e to shizumi hitori, kara ni komoredo
Urei wa muda to satosu sono egao ni sukuwareru
Fukaku oboromori yami e to susumi kokoro mayu ni tozasedo
Nageki no ito mure wo hodoki
Akatsuki no yami tatazumite kono te ni nokorishi nukumori ni tou
Itsuka seseragi ni sasabune ukabe
Ano basho e kaeremasu ka?
Ame ni, tsubuyaita
"Ashita, tenki ni nare"
"Moonless Dawn"
I wanted to die and close my eyes
Return myself to nothing
I wanted to erase my memories and sleep without thought
Cloudy skies and flickering rain
Like yesterday's weather was a lie
The rain tried to beat it into me:
Stop reflecting life's misery
The wind, if it blows for a moment
How will it change the view as I fall?
Even as I'm confined to this shell, I sink to the depths of the distant seas alone
There's no point in pleading with my sorrow
I'll be saved by your smiling face
Even though my heart is locked away in a cocoon, I venture deep into the darkened misty forest
The threads of grief an unraveling tangle
I attempt to withstand the moonless dawn and care for the warmth left in my hands
Someday I'll float a sasabune** down a little stream
Can I ever return to that place?
I murmured to the rain
Things will be better tomorrow
this is gonna be my first time to watch rocker from Japan on concert in Jakarta.
There are 3 rocker group, but the most liked by me is MUCC. I like their songs (even though i cant understand all the lyrics, hahahaha) especially a song that sounds slow and melancholic, and seems a sad song. I am planning to memorize the lyrics (You'll never imagine how many weeks I spent to search for this song, hehehe).
so, 意外で、I like japanese rock music!
And... this is the lyrics:
Shinitakute me wo tojita
Boku no subete mu ni kaeshi
Kioku kara kietai to nemurezu kangaeteita
Kumorizora ame chiratsuite
Kinou no tenki, uso no you.
"Ikiru kutsuu mo niteru na" to, ame ni utarete mita
Kaze, hitotabi fukeba
Utsurou keshiki dou korobu?
Fukaku zekkai no soko e to shizumi hitori, kara ni komoredo
Urei wa muda to satosu sono egao ni sukuwareru
Fukaku oboromori yami e to susumi kokoro mayu ni tozasedo
Nageki no ito mure wo hodoki
Akatsuki no yami tatazumite kono te ni nokorishi nukumori ni tou
Itsuka seseragi ni sasabune ukabe
Ano basho e kaeremasu ka?
Ame ni, tsubuyaita
"Ashita, tenki ni nare"
"Moonless Dawn"
I wanted to die and close my eyes
Return myself to nothing
I wanted to erase my memories and sleep without thought
Cloudy skies and flickering rain
Like yesterday's weather was a lie
The rain tried to beat it into me:
Stop reflecting life's misery
The wind, if it blows for a moment
How will it change the view as I fall?
Even as I'm confined to this shell, I sink to the depths of the distant seas alone
There's no point in pleading with my sorrow
I'll be saved by your smiling face
Even though my heart is locked away in a cocoon, I venture deep into the darkened misty forest
The threads of grief an unraveling tangle
I attempt to withstand the moonless dawn and care for the warmth left in my hands
Someday I'll float a sasabune** down a little stream
Can I ever return to that place?
I murmured to the rain
Things will be better tomorrow
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Farewell, Saito san...
This year, we lose three expatriates that return back to Japan.
It was Tsukada san, Ichihara san, and the last one is Saito san.
Farewell, Saito san,
hope we can meet again in the future.
We're gonna miss you in the kitchen, since you were the most frequent visitor of the kitchen for taking the water to drink, hahahahaha....
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Concert at Istora Senayan and JCC
So, last June, is the first concert at Jakarta Convention Center for my daughter helena and her singing team,
and the second time concert in istora senayan.
beside fuchsia dress,
they wear betawi dress, and cowboy style.
so happy with her friends...after the show...
with her friends after show,
and with her best friend who came to watch her...
with mom
and dad and her bro.
we are the biggest fans of our daughter, helena!!!!
in betawi style, my always lovely daughter...
Karaoke with, Ichihara san...
So, this is a night when we go karaoke after working hour.
Take a look at this picture below.
that was pak Hendy who seems so spiritedly singing like he wants to bite the microphone :)
and then here is Ichihara san and arif, that was so hot dancing at that night, like a hot couple, hahahaha...
next, this is deasy and Via, like a lady rocker singing: heiiii yang ada di sanaaaaaa,yang ada di siniiiiiiii...
and here is the queen of the night, lady gaga of jetro jakarta! Via chan.
while asta singing, some people just eating and watching...
(deasy) oh so delicious....
and this is 'native' japanese-palembang with his song about his past,love story in japan...with Mela, who is so mela-ncholy in his side...
oh hot couple again!!! :)
risna looks ooohhh so hungry...
and this is the rest, santi and me,the cheerleaders of the show...nice smile, huh....
ooh, sorry, its already late at night and i am sleepy now, tomorrow have to go to work again, see you in the next pictures,
with Ichihara san farewel party tomorrow...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The concert of my daughter
My daughter likes singing and dancing.
She loves to sing. Even though her voice is not so great, we put her into a course on singing. This course institution always do concert every year, maybe three or four times.
Last year, related with Jakarta city anniversary, they held concert in Istora Senayan. Beside that, also in Grand Indonesia, Gandaria City, Cinere Mall etc. This year they'll have concert in Istora again, on June 23, 2012, in opening Jakarta Book Fair, like last year.
As a parent, we can only proud to be a fans and audience for our daughter's concert.
We are not planning to make her a star or a singer/dancer in the future, but to maximalize her left brain, to have fun, to get many friends and to make her childhood happy.
Thats a parent can only do, hope, and pray, right? :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Mom is playing football :)
What a mother is doing in the weekend?
Yeah, what else, accompanying the children.
My daughter likes ice skating, and only two places in Jakarta to find itu, Pondok Indah mall and Taman Anggrek. Sometimes I just cant resist if she ask for skating.
And for having a son, a father and mother will be also playing football. This is an interesting game for a mom, playing football with your son, so masculine, yet fun (but please forget your high heels, hahaha...).
And off course, who doesnt like swimming.
This is a perfect zone for a family.
That is how we spend the weekend.
Isnt it nice, huh?

The birthday party
Its eight. Eight years
Yeah, the more I remember my daughter's age, the more I realize that I'm getting older more each day, hahaha...
Time runs so fast. It feels like yesterday when I hug her in my arms, when she was still a baby...
And now she's like a teenager who can plan her own birthday celebration. This year she ask to do it at Mc. Donalds, with the angry bird cake and the clown. She even only invite her favourite friends.
Yeah, all the parents in the world want is their children happiness. Right?

Monday, May 28, 2012
Oouch! Jakarta is so hot!
Oh no,
it is so hot today...
I need some ice...
Is it summer in Jakarta?
I'd rather get in refrigerator...
So, guys, if you miss winter season, just jump to your kitchen!
Its near, free and safe!
I hope someone look in this picture and ask me to be a model for their product, hahahaaaaaaaaa
Sunday, May 27, 2012
“Apa Hubungan RESOLUSI 2012 gue dengan RISOLES?”
Yeah rite!
Itulah yang akan gue bilang jika ada yang bertanya soal resolusi 2012. Kenape ‘yeah rite’?
Well, gini… Tahun lalu gue sangat convincing punya resolusi, dan itu berhasil banget, yaitu: Menemukan semua rasa baru MAGNUM es krim walls. Mission accomplished booo! Gimana enggak, resolusinya gampil gitu!
Nah, tahun depan ini, gue belum ada clue. Resolusi apa ya kira-kira? Kayaknya bukan kuliner lagi deh. Ternyata punya resolusi yang well accomplished malah bikin jadi nggak tertantang lagi bikin yang baru yak?
Ah ya… gue mau cerita dikit. Jadi beberapa waktu lalu, gue ketemu dengan seseorang. Someone stranger yang ketemu dalam urusan bisnis. Dia mirip Nicolas Cage. Bukan, bukan Nicholas Saputra. Dia tidak tampan kok. Tak ada yang istimewa sih. Yang bikin gue teringat sama dia hanya karena satu hal ini.
Dia mengucapkan sesuatu yang gue rasa bagus banget. Ketika membahas soal kepribadian, dia mengucapkan hal ini (sebenarnya bukan ke gue) : Jangan biarkan energy negative menguras dirimu, katanya.
Menguras. Yeah. Ibarat bak kalo dikuras kan dikeringin sampe kerontang tuh. Nggak kepikir tuh gue kalo energy negative itu bisa segitu jahatnya. Pas denger pembahasan lagi, makin jelas maksudnya. Misalnya, rasa kesal, marah, iri, dendam, kecewa, frustasi, itu semua perasaan negative yang menguras energy. Nah, itu yang dia maksud.
So, maksudnya, if someone messed up with you, just let it go. Jangan disimpan-simpan. Lupain aja. Lepasin aja. Teruskan hidupmu. Sebab ngedumel, dongkol, kesal, dan sampai dendam, itu akan merusak dirimu sendiri.
Hei! Pernah merasa begitu lelah dalam hidup ini? Begitu drained? Frustrated? Exhausted? Fatigued?
Nah, yang paling sering mengakibatkan itu adalah energi negative tadi. Kalau hanya lelah fisik, dengan tidur agak lamaan, minum vitamin dan makan bergizi, akan segera pulih. Tapi lelah secara emosional? Wait! Dengan cuti atau liburan atau hiburan pun belum tentu pulih kan?
Kenali penyebabnya! (kok kayak iklan2 ya? Hehehe…)
Memang tidak mudah. Masa iya kita bisa langsung senyum dan lupa pas habis orang nampar kita, trus kita melanjutkan hidup kita seolah tak pernah ditampar? Padahal mungkin masih ada bekas gambar tanganmu (lagu betharia sonata banget!)? Iya nggaaaaak siiihh?
Masa iya kita bisa langsung ketawa-ketiwi chatting dengan teman begitu keluar dari ATM yang menelan kartu ATM kita? Kita bilang gini di chat: “eh tau gak, kartu atm gue ketelan, gue gak punya duit nih. Ntar gue jalan kaki aja pulang ke rumah. Santai aja. Rumah gue di tanjung priuk dan gue sekarang di depok. Paling semalaman jalan kaki kan lumayan tuh olahraga.” Apa kita nggak dibilang agak crazy tuh?
Apa iya normal, misalnya, loe bisa langsung makan dengan lahap ketika seseorang di kantin nabrak elo dan kuah bakso panas dia membakar muka elo yang baru habis perawatan di klinik mahal, trus sambalnya kena ke tas LV mahal loe? Let it go? Lupain aja? Teruskan hidup? Teruskan makan? Apa semudah itu? Gue curiga, loe akan maki-maki tuh orang dan minimal minta ganti rugi, bener gak? Bener gak?
Hallah. Emangnya kita robot. Tanpa perasaan. Bisa gitu aja lupain masalah dan melanjutkan hidup?
(kenape sih loe begitu sinis…?)
Idih. Beberapa waktu lalu gue sempet kesel ama orang nih. Lha… Kok gue jadi curhat? Yee biarin aja yak… blog gue ini, hehee…
Gue udah maafin nih orang, sebenarnya. Gue tahu memang latar belakangnya agak kurang bahagia. Jadi dia memang hobi sirik dan berusaha menghancurkan semua orang yang dia tidak sukai. Rasa tidak ingin disaingi, sangat dominan pada kepribadiannya. Somehow, gue sempat merasa nih orang cocoknya tinggal di bawah tempurung aja karena selain posturnya memang cocok, sifatnya juga pas. Nih orang takkan segan-segan mengeluarkan energy sebesar apapun hanya untuk mencari tahu keburukan orang lain dan bagaimana caranya dia bisa mengeksposnya untuk menghancurkannya. Sepertinya dia ada sindrom (kelainan jiwa kaleee yee), yaitu: bisa merasa bahagia jika berhasil membuat orang lain tidak bahagia.
Dulu, ngeliat mukanya aja, bahkan denger namanya aja, sempet bikin gue eneg. Itu ungkapan hati gue yang sejujurnya. Maaf kalau gue terlalu jujur. Gue hanya ingin mengungkapkan isi hati gue. (Gue harap kalau dia baca blog gue ini – dan gue yakin dia akan baca sebab dia sangat penasaran ngulik2 keadaan ‘korban2’nya – dia sadar kalo dialah yang gue maksud, dengan begitu misi gue untuk mengungkapkannya secara to the point ke dia pun berhasillah sudah hehehe). Sebab, gue sudah berusaha menjalankan nasihat si Nicolas Cage KW1 tadi. Let it go, lupain aja. Tapi sejujurnya dalam hati gue, masih ada rasa eneg itu juga rasa bertanya-tanya: why do you hate me so sweet and tenderly, eh salah. Why do you hate me so deep and strongly?
Gue yakin energy dia habis banget tuh buat nyirikin dan update status gue serta ngegosipin gue dan mencari cara-cara untuk menjatuhkan gue. Mungkin dia juga pernah membuat strategic planning untuk mencari-cari kesalahan gue dan mungkin dia begadang. So tired deh loe. Habis nggak sih energy dia mendendam dan membenci gue segitunya, walau sebenarnya gue tuh nggak ada urusan ama dia!
Oke oke. Mungkin memang ada. Jadi gini. Gue nggak terlalu suka basa-basi ya. Daripada gue bohong atau menjilat, gue lebih suka diam atau menarik diri. Nah, gue memang nggak suka ama dia bo. Bukan bermaksud sok eksklusif, gue merasa nggak cocok aja bergaul ama dia, so gue nggak jalan dong ama dia bo. Daripada bergaul ama orang negative, gue merasa lebih baik baca buku, main bb atau buka2 internet. Nah, mungkin dia tersinggung ya. Secara mungkin dia pengen banget gaul ama gue tapi dia ngerasa gue melepeh dia dan dia dendam kesumat. Remponglah bo… hahhahaa...
Well, mestinya dia sadar dong, siapa sih yang suka bergaul ama dia? Coba. Kalo mau jujur, orang2 yang deket ama dia selama ini, apa dia nggak tahu, mereka semua ngomong buruk tentang dia di belakang dia, dan dia tahu kok, tapi dia menikmati tetap bersama mereka dalam kepalsuan dan basa-basi-busuk itu? Oh no, not me. Sori sori sori jek…
Dan yang paling bikin gue nggak betah ama dia ya, dia juga selalu membicarakan keburukan orang lain. Siapa coba yang sudi gaul ama orang kayak gitu? Jadi bukan gue dong bo, yang sombong dan melepeh hubungan, gue kan hanya ingin tetap berada dalam medan magnet positif, sebab kata nenek, PERGAULAN YANG BURUK BISA MERUSAK LOE. Tul, kan, jek? Bergaul ama orang baik, akan mempengaruhi loe jadi baik, bergaul ama orang cetek, bisa bikin loe tenggelam walau kolamnya cetek (jaka sembung bawa golok hehehe).
Yeah. Tentu saja gue beraninya Cuma lewat blog ini bo. Soalnya kalo gue berhadapan ama dia, bisa melenting gue, kalah bobot, hahaha… lagian nggak level juga kale berantem ama penggemar loe, penggemar sirik yang tak mampu, hahaha…
Begitulah. (apanya yang begitu? Ini kan tadi ngebahas soal resolusi kok jadi ngomongin ketek, eh cetek?)
Yaaaahhh… kembali ke Nicolas Cage. Gue pernah merasa so emotionally drained. Belum lama. Dan itu merembet menjadi bad health. Istirahat sekian lama ternyata memang bukan obatnya. Kembali ke nasihat tadi, memang pada akhirnya kita harus bisa membuang energy negative itu. Tidak mudah. Tidak cepat. Tak instan. Tapi kita bisa melatih diri. Practice makes perfect.
Sejujurnya gue masih ada rasa eneg membayangkan si cetek tadi, tapi paling tidak karena energy negatifnya sudah gue coba erase dan delete berkali-kali, kalau gue ketemu dia lagi, bayangkan, dan tebaklah apa yang akan gue lakukan? Coba, tebak!
--> Gue akan menampar dia? (No.)
--> Gue akan numpahin air panas ke mukanya? (Nehi.)
--> Gue akan maki-maki dia dan bilang gini: hei, urus aja diri loe sendiri ya, daripada sibuk nyirikin orang, mendingan loe benahi diri loe sendiri ye, bersaing dgn karya dong, jangan menusuk dari belakang, ngaca dong, ngacaaa… (Tidak.)
--> Gue akan bawain dia makanan. Sepertinya dia suka risoles.
Gue akan traktir dia makan risoles kesukaannya. (Yes.)
Hihihi… Itulah resolusi gue tahun depan. Bukan hanya kepada satu orang. Itu tadi hanya contoh kasus. Sebab gue bersyukur, gue belajar sesuatu dari pengalaman bersama dia. Kasihan, hidupnya sebegitu tidak bahagia, perlu sedikit sentuhan kasih sayang dan perhatian, dengan sepotong atau dua potong risoles mungkin sebuah langkah awal yang bagus.
(Well, I know its not gonna be easy, tertama kalau gue ingat betapa jahatnya dia ama gue. oh ternyata gue blm bisa bener2 meng-erase nya dari memori gue, hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…)
Itulah risolesi 2012 gue. Eh salah. Resolusi. Kok risoles-i, hehehe.
Hei, Nicolas cage kw1, loe pasti bangga ama gue deh, gue udah jalanin saran loe. Tapi sori ya, gue menolak yang loe tawarkan, loe pasti bisa let it go and continue your life as usual, kan?
Monday, May 21, 2012
Gorila's love! :)
Today is a funny day in the office.
Someone called Mami and asked about a staff who resigned.
Baru ketauan tuh org adalah debt colllectore, suaranya aja udah kenceng2 teriak2 kasar kayak nelpon dari pasar or terminal gitu.
Ceritanya, this staff has debt to bank, so the debt collector is trying to interrogating mami about this staff.
but then, off course mami has no information about this staff. she is not our employee anymore, so we dont have no relation nomore. (btw ntar nih, menurut cerita mami, dulu, pernah juga katanya rumah si staff ini sampe disegel pake tulisan: rumah ini disegel karena belum bayar utang, hahahahaaaaaa...)
gak berhasil mendpt data, the debt collector sounds impatiently yelled in the phone to mami and said: MONYET LOE SEMUA!!!
and guess what mami answered?
"LOE YG MONYET! LOE GORILA!" mami shouted loudly,
then mami put the phone off.
we heard and little bit confuse, is that a joke or serious?
than we laughed loudly.
ternyata Mami memang marah!
gak nyangka mami yang sebaik itu bisa memaki2 orang. wakakakakkkk...
trus gue bilang: gorilla itu bukan makian kasar, bu, mending simpanse, gorila itu lucu, hahaha...
"Ya, lain kali gue bilang lutung kasarung aja kali ya," kata mami.
kocak banget deh. dan sampe sekarang gue masih ketawa nginget itu semua, hahahaaa, gorilaaaaa!
jadi ingat masa remaja ada cinta monyet,
berarti kalo udah tua jadi cinta gorila kali ya, hahahahahaaaaa
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