Yesterday, helena was sick, so when I said I'll go shopping without her, she protested.
"I wanna come," she said.
"No, you get some rest, its only Mom and Pap will go." I said.
"Why only both of you? Are you going to have a date?" she asked.
Me and the maids were laughing instantly.
"Yeah, that's a good idea, since you were born, we almost never dated again," I answered.
Then Helena go to find her Dad sleeping and awakened him.
"Pap, go have a date with Mom, hurry! Wake up!" she said.
"What...?" answered Dad still sleepy.
"Go shopping with Mom, both of you, like a date." said Helena.
And later Pap woke up.
"So, you're not coming with us?' teased Dad to helena.
"No, go both of you, have a nice date." answered Helena.
She acted like a mature person who understand the situation well.
Pap and me were laughing all the way.
When we returned at night, she already welcome us in front of the door.
"How's the date?" she asked.
Hahaha, I cant help laughing to watched her style in asking that question. she can make me forget that she's just 5 years old! her action just like a big girl, just like my Mom, OMG! hahaha...
Last week, in 'the sunday school', she learned this song.
"Nabi Nuh dan istrinya, tiga anak lakinya, tiga anak mantunya, masuk dalam bahtera, lalu hujan turunlah, hujan lebaY turunlah, hujan lebaY turunlah, delapan orang selamat."
"I can count well, Mom," she showed off to me. "They're 8 persons on the ship."
"Yes, but your song is uncorrect a bit, It's hujan lebaT, not lebaY." I corrected, but she insisted to use that word, LEBAY.
"Do you know what LEBAY means?" I asked while holding my smile back.
"Hujan LEBAY turunlah," she answered while singing, ignoring me.
"It's LEBAT, Honey, not LEBAY," I repeated.
"LEBAY sounds more fun, Mama," she answered, and I gave up. Its sounds funny, actually.
"Just dont sing like that in the church," I said.
Lebay oh lebay...
My daughter oh my daughter...