Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Love Tomato

Lately I feel I need these things...
Fresh plain milk, non fat milk, oh is just so undelicious...

Its healthy, off course.

And, tomato! Solanum Lycopersicum.

Seems I have to be nice with this fruit.

The taste is so undescribeable for me, but its so good for skin and health.

I can drink plain milk directly, but eating tomato will take some times.

Nih kutipannya:
Tomat baik untuk kesehatan mata, usus, kencing manis, darah tinggi, kulit, dan sbb:
1. mencegah katarak
2. melewatkan proses penuaan dan sumbatan saluran kencing
3. menurunkan kadar kolesterol
4. mineral kaliumnya mencegah kekejangan otot
5. sebagai antioksidan, meneutralkan radikal bebas
6. Lycopene nya merencatkan sel-sel kanker (rencat=stop).
7. mencerahkan kulit
8. mengurangi masalah jerawat

Life oh life,
you gotta learn to love what you dont like.
You gotta learn to deal with it, live with it in harmony.

So, lets just sing a twisted song originally from Michael Bolton:

You dont know what is like..
Baby you dont know what is like..
to love tomato...
to love tomato...
the way i love you...


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